'Fresh 48s' are at the top of my favorite sessions to photograph. These usually take place during first hours at the hospital after having a baby. These moments are filled with SO many emotions, pain, relieve, overwhelm, happiness, uncertainty, pride, tiredness, but above all LOVE for this new precious life! 

My goal is to capture these amazing instances that go by so FAST and in such a BLUR so you can hold on to them FOREVER! Parents tend to not be sure if they will want hospital photos because they don't look "picture ready"; the rooms are hard to kept tidy, but who cares??? I am telling you right now you that you DO want them! That's the beauty of it all! The more real and raw these images are, the more precious they will be to you as a sure ticket back to relieve these priceless moments.

Another option to capture these sweet first couple of days welcoming baby, is to do it at the comfort of your own home. 'The days will be long, but the years short" and before you know it you're switching out the crib for a twin bed, so I will help you capture and hold on to the details: baby's nursery, baby's squishy toes, and the way he/she held on to you like there was no-one else in the world.🤍